Before reading this article, please read our Auctions Overview here to understand how advertising on works. To access your auctions profile, first navigate to the Advertise page located here. Your auctions profile will present you with information such as your maximum bid limit, number of your current bids, your total bid amount and your estimated impressions. You can learn more about what each of these represent in our Auctions Overview article.
What is the Maximum Bid Limit?
Your Maximum Bid Limit is the highest amount you are allowed to bid in an auction.
How do I increase the Maximum Bid Limit?
If you would like to increase your limit immediately, you can apply to increase your maximum bid limit here or by clicking on the “Increase limit” button located directly below your current Maximum Bid Limit amount.
After selecting “Increase limit”, you will be presented with an application form to fill out. Once all of the required fields are filled out you will be able to select “Submit”. Make sure to fill out the fields with as much information as you can - if we do not have enough info to validate your use case, we will not accept your application.
After submitting the application to increase your Maximum Bid Limit, you will be presented with “Your request has been submitted!” on your screen. To return to your Auctions profile, just click “Go back to Auctions”.
You will also see a confirmation that your request has been submitted on your Auctions profile overview.
You will be notified via the email you provided in your application whether your application was accepted or denied. You will also be able to see if your bid limit has been set to $5,000 on your auctions overview page.
Increasing your limit beyond $5,000 USD
Once your maximum bid limit has reached $5,000 USD, you will see a new message displayed on your Auctions profile dashboard overview that explains how to request an additional increase if desired.
If you would like to increase your limit beyond the maximum bid limit of $5,000 USD, you would need to contact us directly by emailing When you email us, please share what limit you are seeking and why, as well as your monthly marketing budget.
Now that you know how the Auctions bid limit works, you can start bidding on the best tags and slots across to start growing your users and community!