What are Teams?

Our Top.gg Teams feature enables multiple owners for communities and integrations on our site instead of a single owner. Today, these communities and integrations only include Discord Bots. The Teams feature provides bot owners with an easy way to add Users who collaborated on a project, with varying levels of roles and permissions. 

How to Create a Team

To create a new Team, you will first have to navigate to your Top.gg profile. On your profile page, you will see the Teams section that displays a list of your existing Teams, if any. To create a new Team, select the plus symbol (+) displayed in the Teams section on the left sidebar. 


After selecting the plus symbol (+),  you will be taken to the “Create a Team” page where you will be able to fill out information about your Team.

  • Team Name
    Maximum of 25 characters
  • Team Description (optional)
    A brief description of what your Team is about and what it does
  • Team Icon (optional)
    A personalized Team icon. The recommended size is 256px by 256px. 



Once you have filled out the required information, you’ll have the option to select "Create team" located on bottom. After clicking this button your Team will be automatically created and live on Top.gg. You will then be navigated to your newly created Top.gg Team page!

Congratulations, you have successfully created your Team! Now we will walk you through how to add Team members, add additional information about your Team, and how to add projects to your Team. 


From your Top.gg Team page, you will be able to manage and edit your Team information, Team members, and any linked bots. 


The Overview section displays a list of existing Team members, Team servers, and Team bots. You also have the option to navigate directly to any of the listed bot pages. 



Leveling Up Your Team Page

Take your Team page to the next level by filling out additional information about your Team. You can do so by navigating to the "Team Settings" section in "General".


Here you will be able to edit your Team’s existing information or add optional links to your Team’s social pages, such as website, Discord server, GitHub, Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.



How to Delete a Team

If you would like to delete your Team, you can do so by navigating to the “Team Settings” section in “General”. At the bottom of the page, there is a section titled "Other" with a "Delete team" option. 



First, you will need to ensure all projects have been transferred off of the Team you would like to delete. If there are any projects still attached to the Team, you will be unable to delete it. 


You will then need to type in the name of your Team and then click on the trash can icon. You will then be prompted to confirm this action. To proceed with deleting your Team, select "Delete team". Otherwise, if you’d like to cancel this action select "Cancel, keep team". 

*Please note if you delete a Team, this action is final and cannot be undone. 



How to add members to a Team

To add new members on your Team page, you must select "Members" located in the "General" section. This will navigate you to the Members page, where you will be able to both invite new members and manage existing members. 


To invite a new member to your Team, you will need their Top.gg User ID which can be found in the URL when viewing the User’s profile page. Ex: https://top.gg/user/[user ID]


You will also have to select the role you would like assigned to the member. You can read more about the different roles and their permission levels later in this article.

After adding the Top.gg User ID and selecting the role, you will be able to click "Invite"which will send an automatic invitation to the User to join the Team. 

:warning: Currently, you can only invite 1 person at a time to your team. If you want to invite multiple team members you must invite them 1 by 1. There is no way to revoke an invitation to join your team once it is sent. The person you invited can decline the invite or you can remove them from your team after they accept.


After inviting a member to the team, you will see a dropdown with the assigned role and three dots to the right of the assigned role. 


From the drop down, you will be able to change the role of the team member. You can read more about the different roles in this article.


The three dots to the right of the team member role give you the option to remove the member from the team. You can read more about transferring ownership of a team or read more about removing a member from the team in this article.


How to Transfer Ownership of a Discord Bot to a Team

To transfer ownership of a Discord Bot to a Team, you must first navigate to the Discord Bot entity page and select "Edit". This will navigate you to a page where you can fill out additional information about your Discord Bot. Scroll down until you see the "Team" section. From here, you can select the Team you would like to transfer ownership to in the dropdown. 



You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to transfer ownership to the selected Team. When transferring ownership, please note you are only transferring the visible ownership of the Discord bot on Top.gg; you are NOT transferring the actual Discord bot itself. If you would like to proceed with the transfer, select "Yes, transfer ownership". Otherwise, if you’d like to cancel the transfer, select "No, keep ownership". 


How to Delete a Member from a Team

To remove existing members from your Team page, you must select "Members" located in the "General" section. Under "Manage", you will see a list of current members accompanied by their join date and role. 


To delete a member, select the three dots located to the right of the role. Then select "Delete member". You will be prompted to confirm this decision by again selecting "Delete member" or if you’ve made a mistake you can cancel this action by clicking "Cancel, select member" to return to the prior screen. Once you delete a member, you will need to manually re-add them to your team in the future. 



What Are Team Roles?

Team roles allow for Team owners to assign different levels of access and permissions to Team members. The available roles include Administrator, Moderator, Viewer.

  • Administrators

Can edit team members (invite, remove, change roles) except for the Team owner

Can invite team members (all roles)

Can edit team settings

Can delete the team

Can delete the project

  • Moderators

Can invite team members (only as moderator or viewer)

Can edit team settings

Can edit projects

Can moderate project reviews

  • Viewers

Will be listed as a team member but can only view the team page with no edit or moderation access

How to Accept a Team Invite

You can view your Team invitations by visiting your profile page. Under "General", there is a section titled "Invitations", where you will see any pending invitations indicated by a number. To view these invitations, simply click on "Invitations". 




After clicking on "Invitations", you will be presented with a list of your pending invitations where you can either choose to join the Team or decline the invitation. To accept the invitation, simply click on the "Accept" button. To decline the invitation, click the "Reject" button and the invitation will be removed from the list.